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Become a Member

There are three stages to becoming a School Travel Forum member:

Contact us

Get in touch and we will send you an application pack along with full details on how to join.


Please read the information carefully. There are rules relating to third-party schemes to ensure consistent trading standards and financial security arrangements.

Enroll as a non-assured member

On receipt of your application and first year's fee, you will be enrolled as a Non-Assured Member. You will receive our membership manual and access to our online member's area and library.


The member's manual contains an industry-standard risk management scheme. This is of significant value for corporate governance.

Submit your self-audit

When you decide you are ready to be audited to become a full School Travel Forum member, complete your self-audit form.


Once this is complete, we will arrange for our auditors to visit you to undertake the independent audit.

When will I get the LOtC Quality Badge?
You have up to 2 years to prepare for your audit. When you pass your audit you will be able to complete the registration for the LOtC Quality Badge. The Council for Learning Outside the Classrom, who oversee the LOtC Badge, will check your status with us and authorise us to issue your accreditation.​

You will now be able to display the School Travel Forum Assured Member and LOtC Quality Badge logos and use the awards in publicity material. 


All Assured Members and LOtC Quality Badge holders are required to be audited annually to maintain their accreditation.

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Do I need to join School Travel Forum?
You do not need to join the School Travel Forum to be awarded a LOtC Quality Badge, but the standards, processes and costs are the same, and there are many benefits to being a School Travel Forum Assured Member and holding the LOtC Quality Badge. 


Contribution/membership fee

  • Band a Less up to £1 million £1,269 + VAT - £1522.80 inc VAT

  • Band b Greater than £1m to £2.5 million £2,278 + VAT - £2733.60 inc VAT

  • Band c Greater than £2.5m to £10 million £3,756 + VAT - £4507.20 inc VAT

  • Band d Greater than £10 million and over £4,919 + VAT - £5902.80 inc VAT


Subscription fees to increase annually in line with government published average inflation figures should the committee feel it is correct and necessary. Subscription fees will be reviewed for the 30th September of each year. Fees are due in September for renewal date of 1st October. Organisations joining at other times of the year will pay for the remaining part of the year on a pro-rata basis.


  • Year 1 60%

  • Year 2 30%


  • Included within membership fee


  • Remote Audit: £350 + VAT

  • Optional Sampling £385 + VAT


  • Initial review meeting free of charge.

  • Additional work at £385 per day plus associated travel & subsistence

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